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Giving Advice to a Friend

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Giving Advice to a Friend Empty Giving Advice to a Friend

Mensaje  Julieta Ramirez Mar Sep 14, 2010 12:08 am

This is part of an email you got from a good friend:

I feel very lonely in my new neighbourhood. I have no friends and I´m really depressed. Any advice?

Hello my dear!

I´ve just got your e-mail, I´m so sorry you feel this way. I´m sure the problem isn´t that terrible. There are many things you can do to solve this worry.
It would be a good idea to start by being polite to everyone, perhaps why don´t you organize a party? This way you will have the chance to meet and at the same time get introduced to all the neighborhood.

I know it isn´t easy, but it will work! Be patient and never forget to smile, let me know how you get on.

Take care,

Julieta Ramirez

Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 13/09/2010

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