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Take Care John

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Take Care John Empty Take Care John

Mensaje  nancy Mar Sep 14, 2010 12:55 am

Hi John Its so good to hear from you again! I really miss you, its too bad that you had to move away.Im sorry to hear that you are having trouble making friends and about your depresion.

But its not as bad as it sounds. moving to a new place can bring you new opportunities for many diferent things, you just have to open yourself to them. I know it can be hard to make new friends sometimes but you are a super fun and nice person to be with. Try talking to your neighbors and mabie they will share and do things you enjoy too. And you will see that its not so bad at all Im sure you will make new friends soon and your depression will go away!.
Well it was nice hearing from you. Please let me know how things go. And if you continue having trouble finding a new friend and feeling bad just email me and tell me all about it.
Take care John


Mensajes : 5
Fecha de inscripción : 14/09/2010

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