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My favorite heroe

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My favorite heroe Empty My favorite heroe

Mensaje  karen I.Pérez Cervantes Lun Sep 13, 2010 9:06 am

My favorite hero is Bruce Wayne, better known as "Batman", Batman I like that is mysterious, intelligent, and very gentlemanly, even though it is a caricature he is very handsome.
Bruno Diaz became Batman because as a child witnessed the murder of his parents, since then I swear I always fight for justice, Bruno is an expert in martial arts, has detective skills, is a master of disguise, is a multimillionaire and philanthropist, when he becomes Batman wears a costume with a black color with ears pointing Macara, and a mask that reveals her mouth, her chin and lips.
Batman has no superpowers but is based on science and technology to create weapons with which to combat evil. It is also a master of escapism, Batman has blue eyes, brown hair, tall and muscular, very handsome.
Since I was a child I always imagine that one day would be Batman's girlfriend, until I realized it was just a comic, but even so I think that is the representation of what would be the perfect man is gentle, noble and romantic is also charming, handsome, interesting, smart, has a sexy voice, he's attentive and gentlemanly, who does not like to have a boyfriend like him.
By Karen Elizabeth Pérez Cervantes

karen I.Pérez Cervantes

Mensajes : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 13/09/2010

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