English 5
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Hellooooo! Letter

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Hellooooo! Letter Empty Hellooooo! Letter

Mensaje  pamela.mota Dom Sep 12, 2010 10:40 pm

Hello my friend! Is good to tell me your problems and how you feel about this new life. It is important to adapt to live happy. I try to help!
Not knowing anyone is your fault, you can find activities to do outside your home but in the neighborhood to meet some neighbors, try! For example you can organize soccer games and then a small party at home to socialize, that can help a lot.
I hope you serve the plan! And remember that here you have a friend, do not feel depressed, little by little you will meet and do all good friends!

I love you


Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 12/09/2010

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