English 5
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Describing my place

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Describing my place Empty Describing my place

Mensaje  Julieta Ramirez Sáb Nov 20, 2010 12:02 am

The place where I live is a very quiet and small street. It is a composition of many small houses, most of them look all the same, just in different colors. My neighbors are very polite and I love to say hi whenever I found someone walking by the street. In the mornings is a very oeaceful place, and by the afternooons many kids como back from school and there´s a little bit of noise, however it is tolerant and soon it goes back to normal when they get inside their homes. At night it is the nicest place where I can take a short walk and I can go to sleep without worries. That´s my street Calle # 13 at Rinconadas de San Francisco at Pachuca, Hidalgo.

Julieta Ramirez

Mensajes : 10
Fecha de inscripción : 13/09/2010

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