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The most exciting story!

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The most exciting story! Empty The most exciting story!

Mensaje  Paumorez Lun Sep 20, 2010 7:15 pm

I´m in home, my sweet home! My name is Paula, i´m a student & work in the radio, my radioprogram names Game Over, i´m talk about videogames, cheats, faqs and all the news about that. I love my program and my B.A. -comunication-. I live in Pachuca city but I borned in Mexico D.F. I like too much DF because he had to many places, museums, night clubes and the most funny people whi I met live there. But Pachuca is my real home, in this city I grew up, I loved, I studied and all the most important people who I met are there. My house is small, but pretty, infront of that is pink with so many trees and a beautiful garden; inside is decorate in pink tones and white with black designs, I loved paint! The only thing that I hate it´s about some people, with false moralism and so awful thinks. In my university I knew so interesting people, teachers and students, so intelligents, with courage, passion and conviction, and I´m proud of them, and I pray for this people are in my life too much time!

Well, this is my life, this is my place, this is the more exciting story that I lived, here in Pachuca!
Paula E Morez

Mensajes : 12
Fecha de inscripción : 13/09/2010
Edad : 39

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