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A letter of application

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A letter of application Empty A letter of application

Mensaje  Briseida Barrón González Dom Oct 24, 2010 11:31 pm

We are looking for a cook for our health centre in Wallingford, near Oxford. We run courses for people who are following special diets as parth of a health programme. You should have experience and lots of ideas about cooking for special diets.
Please apply in writing


I ask you the job as a cook because I have extensive knowledge in the field.

I have taken courses in my country and abroad.
I will make healthier Mexican food, Argentina, Italy and a variety of salads and I have specialized nutrition programs.

I assure you I will give patients a weight loss program to improve your health, because my ideas are very innovative.

I look to you the most secure server:

Degree in chef and nutrition
Briseida Barrón González

Briseida Barrón González

Mensajes : 15
Fecha de inscripción : 12/09/2010

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